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We’re the editorial team of Open Citizenship, and we’re glad you found our site. We want to make this site as friendly and easy to use as possible, and that’s why we want to give you a taste of what Open Citizenship is.
What is Open Citizenship?
Open Citizenship is a cutting-edge magazine produced for and by people concerned with citizenship, political participation and migration in Europe. Our authors are activists, academics, politicians, philosophers, artists – but above all, concerned about citizenship. They focus on different aspects of citizenship to demonstrate just how important it is not only to the future of Europe, but to our lives today.
What we do
The magazine breaks down the barriers between academic discourse and grass-roots expertise. It combines academic essays with interviews, editorial pieces and profiles of movements across Europe. By bringing together these areas of knowledge which are otherwise isolated from one another, we promote dialogue and discourse between disciplines and produce more effective outcomes in transforming citizen lives.
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The Open Citizenship team.